Schedule Free Discovery Call Schedule your free discovery call to learn how we can best serve you and help you succeed and graduate. "*" indicates required fields Name* First Last Email* What's your current student status?* I'm currently enrolled in courses I am in between terms and not currently enrolled in courses, but I plan to enroll soon I am a parent looking to help my child who is currently enrolled in courses HiddenParent Filling Out Student InformationWhat is your child's name?* First Last What university/school does your child attend?* Choose the one that describes your child:* Undergrad Student Grad Student Professional Learner If you enrolled your child in our coaching program would they be "bought into" the program or just doing it because they "had to"?* Yes, they would be bought in No, they would not be bought in I'm not sure HiddenStudent InformationWhat university/school do you attend?* Choose the one that describes you:* Undergrad Student Grad Student Professional Learner HiddenWhat's been your BIGGEST challenge and why do you think hiring a private coach RIGHT NOW will help you?HiddenAre you aware that our coaching programs comes in options of 4 weeks, 8 weeks, or 12 weeks, and that you will have a private dedicated coach assigned to you with UNLIMITED coaching sessions, UNLIMITED text coaching, and UNLIMITED email coaching? Yes No View all of our Student Coaching Programs and pricing optionsHiddenWhat SPECIFICALLY attracted you to our program?HiddenIf someone referred you to us, please enter their name in this box. HiddenWhich coaching program are you interested in? Please note we are currently offering scholarships for qualified students (first time in boot camp, working on proposal) and the prices below reflect tuition if the scholarship is applied. 4 Weeks 8 Weeks 12 Weeks HiddenIf you are accepted into the program, we begin a new session every Monday. How soon are you looking to get coaching? Immediately In the next week In 2 weeks or longer HiddenWe look forward to speaking with you about your unique goals. If we feel that we are a good fit for you, we may offer you a spot in our boot camp while on the phone. Therefore, if someone else is also involved in the decision making process, you should have them on the phone as well. No problem, will do! I am the only decision maker OR I have consulted with the other decision makers already. I share decision making and they can't join the call, so I'll need time after the call to decide. HiddenPlease describe your financial abilities to invest in our coaching program (e.g., you have the funds, you have access to funds through credit or loans, or you are not able to invest).EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.